Case Management in the Age of Data-driven Insights and Cognitive Services -- Prof. Boualem Benatallah
Le laboratoire Samovar accueille Prof. Boualem Benatallah (UNSW Sydney) le 10 avril 2018 à 10h,
pour une présentation intitulée Case Management in the Age of Data-driven Insights and Cognitive Services.
La conférence aura lieu à 10h dans la salle C06 du
campus d'Évry de Télécom SudParis, et est ouverte à tous.
As economies undergo significant structural change, digital strategies and innovation must provide industries across the spectrum with tools to create a competitive edge and build more value into their services. With the advent of widely available data capture and management technologies, coupled with intensifying global competition, fluid business and social requirements, organizations are rapidly shifting to data-fication of their processes. Accordingly, they are embracing the radical changes necessary for increased productivity, added value and insights.
However, while advances in big data analytics enable tremendous automation and scalability opportunities, new productivity and usability challenges have also emerged. A commonly overlooked limitation of current systems is that they do not provide effective integration of analytics and end user workspace environments (e.g., investigators, analysts user productivity tools). We discuss critical challenges in the effective integration of cognitive services and end user- oriented case management technologies. We discuss synergies between cognitive services, data curation, quality control and case management as step forward to empower end users to effectively use big data technologies, while share and collaborate on the fly, in order to generate and evolve insights.
About Prof. Boualem Benatallah:
Prof. Boualem Benatallah is a scientia professor and research group leader at the School of Computer Science (CSE), University of New South Wales (UNSW, Sydney, Australia). He held the chaire d'excellence position of the Auvergne Region in France (LIMOS, France, 2008-2010). His main research interests are developing fundamental concepts and techniques in service composition, cloud service engineering, end user analytics, quality control in crowd sourcing systems, and business processes management. He has published more than 230 refereed papers including 70 journal papers. Most of his papers appeared in very selective and reputable conferences and journals. He has been frequently invited to give keynote talks, lectures and tutorials in international conferences and summer schools. He has a very strong international track record demonstrated by the high citations of his work, some of which are considered seminal in the field of services composition. Boualem has been PC co-chair of number of international conferences including BPM'05, ICSOC'05, WISE'07, ICWE'2010, IEEE/ACM WI'11, IEEE SOCA'11. He was research track co-chair for the WWW'11 conference. He was the general chair of ICSOC'08 - Sydney. He has acted as a key official (tutorial chair, workshops chair, publication chair, area chair, PhD symposium chair) for several international conferences. He is general co-chair of BPM 2018 - Sydney. He has been guest editor of number of special issues for reputable international journals including ACM TOIT and Parallel and Distributed Databases. He has been a PC member of all the reputable international conferences in his areas of research including VLDB, ICDE, WWW, EDBT, MDM, ICSOC, ICWS and ER. He is member of the steering committee of BPM and ICSOC conferences. He is member of the editorial board of numerous international journals and series including ACM Transactions on Web. IEEE transactions on Cloud Computing, Parallel and Distributed Databases, and Computing. He was a visiting Professor at INRIA-LORIA, CNRS, Claude Bernard University (France), University of Blaise Pascal (Clermont Ferrand, France), University of Trento (Italy), University of Paris Dauphine (France). As the chair of the CSE research committee, he was member of the team (comprising multiple university, government and industry partners) that constructed the successful bid for the new Smart Services CRC (Cooperative Research Centre) which was awarded $30m in federal funding in 2007. He was a project leader at the CRC smart services. He is a leader of the data curation research stream at the new Data to Decisions CRC. He is member of Executive Committee of IEEE Computer Society's Technical Committee on Business Informatics and Systems.
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