Le laboratoire Samovar organise un séminaire transverse lundi 10 juillet de
14h à 15h en G10 présenté par Zakaria Maamar (Zayed University in Dubai).
Ce séminaire est ouvert à tous (doctorants, enseignants-chercheurs).
Title: Research Agenda on Enterprise 2.0 @ Zayed University: Past,
Present, and Future
Abstract: Since 2014, our international research group whose members are
based in Brazil, France, Serbia, and UAE, has been examining the blend
of social computing with business processes. This blend is in line with
the latest investigations about the role of social media in making
enterprises more agile and responsive to their surroundings. Enterprise
2.0, aka social enterprise, is the one that captures the social
interactions between the components of its business processes (aka
know-how) and converts these interactions into relations upon which
specialized networks are built. On the one hand, components include
task, person, and machine. On the other hand, interactions include for
instance, substitution, collaboration, and delegation. In this
presentation, we discuss our research agenda on Enterprise 2.0 in terms
of past achievements (e.g., social coordination of business processes),
present endeavors (e.g., mixing business and social logs in support of
business processes performance), and future perspectives (e.g., process
of things).
Speaker’s short bio: Dr. Zakaria Maamar is Professor in the College of
Technological Innovation of Zayed University in Dubai, UAE. His current
research interests are primarily related to business process management
and social computing. Maamar has a PhD in computer science from Laval
University in Quebec City, Canada.